Rector Search

Good Sam Welcomes the Reverend Paul Klitzke as our New Rector

Good Samaritan Episcopal Church in San Diego is pleased to announce the call and hiring of the Reverend Paul K. Klitzke as our new rector. He comes from Church of the Ascension in Dallas, Texas. He will assume his duties at Good Sam beginning April 1, 2025.

“The vestry and calling committee are excited that Rev. Paul Klitzke has accepted our call. With over 19 years as a rector or priest-in-charge, he has the qualities and experience we have sought in our new rector. I personally look forward to working with him and welcoming his family to San Diego." –Ward Fleri, Search Committee Chair, Senior Warden

A Note from Father Paul

Greetings to Good Sam! My wife Sarah and I are life-long Episcopalians. We married young and moved to Sewanee, Tennessee, for seminary on our first anniversary. Upon graduation, we moved to Alaska, where I served St. David Episcopal Church in Wasilla and helped to grow other ministries around the state. Next, I served as the Vicar of St. Nicholas in Kapolei, Hawai’i, over time expanding to serve a regional ministry of 5 churches.  

In 2015, I was called to serve as Rector of Church of the Ascension in Dallas. Ascension has a strong reputation for outbound ministries and being diverse and welcoming to all.  Serving as Rector here allowed me to grow as a leader and work alongside many talented and dedicated members. I’ve enjoyed serving in a parish that values diversity in many forms: racial, socio-economic, theological, political, age, orientation and gender. Preaching and teaching bring me real joy. Most often I preach without notes, seeking to connect not only through words but through eye contact and body language. My teaching style also tends toward the informal, encouraging questions and sharing from all present.

When I’m not busy with church-related activities, I enjoy time with family, including our two young-adult children. We love to explore new places and often seek out live music together. I'm also an avid cyclist and hiker. I would enjoy learning your favorite spots around San Diego, especially restaurants and trails. 

The mercy, grace, and love of God have changed my life. I hope to find ways to embody these so that I might share this profound experience with others. As we share with one another, our joys are multiplied and our suffering dissipates. I am eager to meet you all, and I look forward to our future together as a loving, giving, spirit-filled community.

The Reverend Paul and Sarah Klitzke   The Reverend Paul Klitzke