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Waiting is the Gift

Waiting is the Gift

Waiting is the Gift

by Janine Schenone on December 01, 2020

Waiting is the Gift

Advent is gradually becoming my favorite liturgical season of the year. I used to favor Epiphany, a brief but joyous celebration of light in the midst of darkness. Now, however, and strangely in my case, I am embracing a season of waiting in what has felt like an interminable 2020.

 I'm not waiting for Christmas, really. I used to love buying presents for children, decorating trees, baking things I shouldn't eat, even as I found all those activities stressful while juggling single motherhood and a busy career. It was fun, but overly busy. I still love Christmas with its special music and the delightful surprises in stockings and on dinner tables.

 But Advent requires little from me except an intentional slowing down of the busyness in my life so that I can reflect what it means for me to wait for Jesus' coming. This year of COVID already forced me to slow down and do much less than I was doing. Making a virtue of it for this Advent season has taught me something I had long hoped to learn: how to enjoy waiting for the surprises God has in store for me. They won't be wrapped presents under the tree. They will be sudden moments of peace, or an awareness, or a little nudge forward in my spiritual growth.

 Like the fact that I now like waiting for God. It's a big surprise to me that I actually like waiting now--the slowed breath, the silencing of wondering what will be, the trust that God has good things in store for us.

 I like waiting.

Tags: advent, patience, waiting

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