Our Faith, Our Mission


Good Samaritan Episcopal Church is part of The Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion. As Episcopalians, we believe in and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world. We believe that God loves you – no exceptions.

We are a blend of ancient tradition and fresh, contemporary expressions of Christianity. We pray the ancient creeds, and we apply them to today’s issues.

We take the Bible seriously—too seriously to take it literally on every point. Fed by the Spirit, we make Jesus known through the breaking of the Bread, prayer, Bible study, our loving care for one another, and our outreach to and advocacy for our community.

The Episcopal Church embraces a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being; people of all genders and sexual orientations serve as bishops, priests, and deacons in our church. Laypeople and clergy work together in leadership and governance.

We encourage you to visit What We Believe to learn more.


To be the gospel of Christ by holding hands, reaching out to our neighbors, striving to love and be loved.


  1. We will bring the radical love and welcome of Jesus Christ to all people.
  2. We will empower people to bring about the peace and justice of God.
  3. We will lean together into the mystery of Jesus and what it means in our day.

We will do all these things in community, supported by prayer and sufficient resources.


Love. Be loved.